Week “four” or 4

Hard to believe it’s the middle of week four! We made it through the maths stuff and now we’re using scikit learn libraries which are just lovely. There’s an emulator or a transformer or a whatsit for everything. Well, except basic, you’d-think-were-obvious things like changing string numbers to ints, as we discovered today when trying to turn ‘two’ to 2 and ‘four’ to 4. Maybe that can be my legacy, I’ll develop a method to do it!

I’ve really enjoyed the last two days. Well, I actually had to take yesterday off to go for a hospital appointment, but I did the work on Saturday. It’s satisfying when things flipping work - I got tired of floundering last week. But it’s not over: I do still have a lot of basics that I need to get to grips with.

Now I need to come up with a project idea and a dataset to match, to present on ‘pitch night’ on 8 December. I have a couple of ideas. The problem is knowing what’s actually possible, when we haven’t learned it yet!


Am I writing this by myself?


It doesn’t add up