Demo Day tomorrow!

I can’t believe it’s coming to an end. Nine weeks done, and just the project demos to do tomorrow. 

Our project has turned out to be a lot of fun. I can’t quite believe I’m writing that after my total panic on the first day - and I’ve also been hearing tales of other projects that have turned out to be a lot more stressful. But yes - I enjoyed the process and we’ve had a laugh,. Now we just have to get through the demo tomorrow. I’m very grateful that we’re on early in the programme, too. My body can gang up on me when I’m due to give a presentation: I’ll be feeling pretty chilled and then suddenly find myself trembling, breaking out in a sweat, and unable to talk without my voice shaking! Thanks, nervous system, good job at judging the situation.

And then the day after tomorrow, we fly to the UK for Christmas! What a crazy time it has been…


Happy New Year!

